Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stop Signs needed at Almond Ave and Oakland Blvd (Submitted By Tom O'Brien)

My friend Tom O'Brien (Shuey Avenue resident and fellow neighborhood watchdog) posted the following entry on his website and asked if I would make it available to this blog;

In August of 2008, I sent these photos in an email to Jim Haggerty, Traffic Technician with the Public Services Department for the City of Walnut Creek. I asked the City to consider installing stop signs on Oakland Blvd at the intersection with Almond Avenue. I noted that during the week, the parked cars of BART commuters line Oakland Blvd, blocking sight lines in both directions. Fast moving through traffic and the extremely limited visibility makes it really dangerous for residents of the Almond/Shuey neighborhood to pull out onto Oakland Blvd - especially when attempting to make a left turn.

In response, Mr. Haggerty did agree to paint the southeast curb red - so now no one can park where the black truck appears in the left-hand photo. However, the City's basic attitude is that until accidents happen, they don't feel obligated to do any more. So we get to go on playing Russian Roulette as we try to pull out onto Oakland Blvd. Perhaps other residents would care to tell the City what they think. In the meantime, make sure that your auto insurance is paid up.

From: "Jim Haggerty" <>

Subject: All-way stops

Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:22:05 -0700

Mr. O'Brien, after a careful review of the intersection of Oakland Boulevard and Almond Avenue, I wont be able to recommend the installation of all-way stops at this location. Intersections must meet state warrants or criteria, primarily volume and collisions, before all-way stops can be installed. Oakland Boulevard and Almond Avenue would not meet those criteria. However, I am writing a Traffic Order to have the curb on the southeast corner painted red to prevent vehicles parking there. This will improve sight distance. Thank you for taking the time to bring this to my attention. I can be reached at (925) 256-3529 X249.

Jim Haggerty
Traffic Technician
City of Walnut Creek

1 comment:

Susan said...

I agree completely that the Oakland Almond intersection is very dangerous. I inquired a few years back, (after two near misses), about reinstalling the three way stop signs that were in place while the freeway construction was going on. At the time I was told that we could try to petition it. I put it on the Shuey/Almond web page but as I did not receive any comments I did not pursue it. Do you think that still could be a possibility?