Monday, April 7, 2008

Happy Spring...

It's been awhile since I posted to the Almond-Shuey Blog, but there is plenty going on in the neighborhood and around Walnut Creek.

Regardless of real estate market conditions, spring is always the time when a 'seasonal bounce' of buyer activity is evident. There is no doubt that we will be seeing 2-3 For Sales signs in the Almond-Shuey over the next couple of months. There is a 'Coming Soon' sign on Brooks and some intense renovations on Shuey that may indicate a forthcoming sale. As always, please feel free to contact me if you have an interest in selling your home or would simply like to discuss current market conditions.

Spring is also the time to clean out the old garage. This past weekend, my family held a garage sale on Shuey that had an incredible turnout. A few signs and a free Craigslist ad combined with beautiful weather resulted in lots of traffic and lot of 'treasurers' (junk) being hauled away. If anyone in the neighborhood is interested in holding another sale - perhaps several of us could hold one in the same day - let me know. I would be happy to contribute signs. I have a few 'Garage Sale' A-frame (stand up) signs that you are welcome to use. Just let me know.

Enjoy the weather!

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