Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Walnut Creek Resale Sales Statistics for October, 2009

I am pleased to present Walnut Creek's resale housing statistics for October, 2009.

Data provided courtesy of Contra Costa Association of REALTORS®

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Walnut Creek Resale Sales Statistics for September, 2009

I am pleased to present the resale housing statistics for September, 2009.

Data provided courtesy of Contra Costa Association of REALTORS®

Monday, October 12, 2009

Downtown Parking Proposal

This proposal comes from our Almond-Shuey neighbors, Marcy & Kent Jones...

TO: City Council, Walnut Creek

Subject: Proposal to help solve parking and traffic problems Downtown.

My wife and I are residents of the Almond/Shuey neighborhood and supporters of Measure I, supporting Broadway Plaza and the increased income it brings to the city, but we also know the parking problems and traffic in downtown are real and a major concern for people against the measure.

Below are two suggestions that we believe if implemented quickly will show Walnut Creek residents that we have great parking downtown. We understand that increased parking is included in Measure I, but how helpful it would be if people could clearly see and use the parking available now.

1. The Free Ride

On the free ride bus, put this sign on each side. A simple metal frame could be used and a sign like this inserted.

Park and Ride



Bart, Downtown Shopping

and Public Parking

------ . -------


on Locust, Broadway, California Blvd.

50 cents hr. $3 Maximum.


2. Parking Garage signs.

Easily identifiable signs that match the signs on the bus should be placed in front of the City Garages that clearly state these are parking garages and promotes their affordable price. City parking should be promoted just as valet and parking lots are. PARK HERE! 50 cents hr. $3 maximum. Free shuttle around downtown.

It is also unclear which way the shuttle goes. Eventually it should run in a circle route, so that you know if you catch it going in one direction, it will continue in that direction. Winding through downtown is confusing to locals as well as people trying to get back to a garage. A circle plan would alleviate that. And if it included the edge of neighborhoods many more people would ride the bus.

If signs on the bus and on parking garages were changed immediately, it could show the City working to solve parking and traffic problems in Walnut Creek and make everyone more comfortable supporting Broadway Plaza, which is giving us an incredible downtown.


Marcy and Kent Jones

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pot Club Bordering Almond-Shuey?

In case you haven't heard, the city is considering a license for allowing a medical marijuana (aka Pot Club) dispensary to be located adjacent to our neighborhood, on Oakland Boulevard. City leaders are looking for community input and it appears to be a lively discussion.

Check out the reader comments from two local Walnut Creek blogs...

Crazy in Suburbia


Whatever your position, this will undoubtedly have an impact on our neighborhood.

Stay tuned...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Beware of Deceptive Petitions – Know the Facts. Neiman Marcus is Good for Walnut Creek!

After numerous public hearings, dozens of community meetings, and nearly a year of analysis and adjustments, our elected City Council has unanimously approved the much-improved plans for Neiman Marcus at Broadway Plaza. We appreciate the efforts of the City Council to resolve the building size and parking issues. The building is the right height (2 stories rather than 3) and smaller (half the size of Nordstrom) AND Broadway Plaza will create the required new parking (175 new free spaces).

You may never shop at Neiman Marcus, BUT a healthy, stable downtown means a stable source of revenues for city services. The new Neiman Marcus will create jobs, strengthen the health of our downtown and the viability of our small locally owned merchants, and generate new tax revenues that will help pay for police, pay our roads, and support other vital city services like our parks and open spaces, the arts, recreation programs, and senior services.

The Michigan-based owner of Sunvalley Mall has said that they will again try to place a referendum on the ballot to stop the project. This big-money interest is likely to do just what they did last fall – distribute deceptive literature and conduct ruthless signature gathering in front of stores and door-to-door in our neighborhoods. These outsiders have already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to damage our community – and they will spend more. Why? As one person said at the City Council meeting, “Walnut Creek’s loss will be their gain.”

Keep in mind, if the opposition gets enough signatures, it will cost our city $250,000 or more just for the ballot process -- money we cannot afford to waste.

In response to the threat, a group of 30 concerned residents who are civic, business and non-profit leaders has formed Yes for Walnut Creek to defend the community against these out-of-state interests.

Now is the time to take action and stand up against out-of-state money that is trying to control what we do in Walnut Creek. Visit to:

· Get the facts.
· Endorse the effort.
· Volunteer.
· Donate.

Fighting big, out-of-state money takes people and money. If you can make a contribution, please send a check, payable to Yes for Walnut Creek, to 1630 N. Main St. Box 157, Walnut Creek 94596.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Almond Shuey Neighborhood Garage Sale

An Almond Shuey neighborhood garage sale will take place on Saturday, May 9th.

Oakhurst Properties will sponsor the advertising and provide signage & balloons on the day of the event.

If you are interested in participating and/or helping out with the event, please contact Steve Reiser at 925-216-3026.

Shuey Neighbors @ Work

Nid and Doug on Shuey Avenue have just returned from Thailand and are looking for part-time work; Nid is interested in dog walking and gardening; Doug can tutor elementary and junior high school students after school. Please send us an email to or or call (925) 944-8804.